Organizing 102: Tactics of Organizing

This session aims to highlight some of the skills and tactics essential to organizing. This interactive session will plan a hypothetical campaign around a current ongoing issue, while interrogating our positionality and re-centering our efforts within the rich milieu of ongoing grassroots organizing. What are organizational goals and values and how do we stick to them? How to conduct a root cause analysis and power mapping to unpack the complexity of an issue? Within this strategic landscape, we will discuss specific tactics and the situations in which they make the most impact. Finally, we will debrief as a large group and touch on the importance of community and listening to keep people involved and organizations alive.

  • Hoai An Pham

    I am an organizer based in Ann Arbor, MI, where I was born and raised as a first generation Vietnamese American. As a queer disabled abolitionist, I have organized around immigration, labor, climate, prisons, and racial justice, with an emphasis on building longterm, welcoming community. I am currently the Digital Organizer for We the People-MI and also the manager of my twenty-six Sims.


Organizing 101


Perspectives on The Prison Industrial Complex