Asylum Medicine Introductory Curriculum
CPRC has previously housed the virtual, self-paced, PHR-affiliated training for people interested in joining our volunteer roster to complete asylum evaluations. Since then, we collaborated in the creation of a National Asylum Training that will serve this purpose, entitled Asylum Medicine Introductory Curriculum
About the Training
The Asylum Medicine Training Initiative is proud to announce the Asylum Medicine Introductory Curriculum, a new online course created by a national collaboration of over 80 experts from 40 institutions and featuring peer-reviewed best practices in asylum medicine. The course is free for health, human rights, and legal professionals and includes. The 10 hours of interactive content is based on current international standards and emphasizes trauma-informed care. It is suitable for healthcare providers at all levels of training.
After completing the first five mandatory modules of this curriculum, participants will be qualified to conduct forensic medical evaluations with prominent asylum medicine organizations including Physicians for Human Rights.
Visit www.asylummedtraining.org to register and learn more!
Our modules cover the following topics:
– Historical-Legal Background
– The Trauma-Informed Interview
– Forensic Mental Health Evaluation
– Forensic Physical Evaluation
– Affidavit Writing & Testifying
– Pediatric Forensic Medical Evaluations
– Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
– Traumatic Brain Injury
– Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Asylum
– Evaluating Asylum Seekers in Detention
– Vicarious Trauma and Vicarious Resilience in Forensic Evaluators