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Forensic Evaluation

The Chicago People’s Rights Collaborative provides free forensic evaluations to survivors of persecution who are seeking legal asylum in the United States. Our physicians are trained to conduct medical and psychiatric evaluations that document a client’s presentation of abuse and torture. Our clinical team produces a written affidavit based on the physician’s exam findings. This affidavit becomes part of a client’s application for asylum.

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When requesting an evaluation under the first question stating: Are you submitting a request to PHR or to a medical school asylum clinic? please select “Clinic Direct Referral” and choose Chicago People’s Rights Collaborative.

Expert Declaration

The Chicago People’s Rights Collaborative supports immigration and criminal-legal cases by providing expert medical testimony when appropriate. CPRC writes medical declarations through a team effort including expert physicians, medical students, and law students. Medical declarations are the written testimony of physicians as a substitute for their live testimony in court, for example testimony stating that specific medical conditions put individuals at risk of serious illness or death in ICE's congregate detention facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. CPRC streamlines the declaration writing process for physicians through training, resources, and the use of student support with research and drafting. We hope to increase the declaration writing capacity of our medical network so we can support more individuals seeking safe haven and justice within the greater Chicago area. 

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